[25-OCT-23] We receive new PCBs (A305001B) and assemble one. We notice that as soon as power is supplied, the +/-12V DC-DC converter begins buzzing. The logic chip can program so we now have a working extension, but we found that we must remove the feedback capacitors (10pf) on each op-amp in order to avoid drawing too much current. After removing these capacitors, we put a 3.3V 32.768kHz signal through both DAC channels and watch it propagate through the amplifiers. Each channel outputs a 10Vptp 32.768kHz signal with a 0V average.
[18-DEC-23] We program the controller (LCMXO2-7000HC) with a relay interface that maps various address spaces to variables needed to output a function. The data portal is located in the highest location in the control space.
[24-JAN-24] To avoid supply shortage issues later on, we develop a DC-DC converter using the LT8306 no-opto isolated flyback converter. Using the LT8306 datasheet, we come to the following design:
Once assembled, we test the converter by slowly ramping up its input voltage with a DC benchtop power supply and measuring its current consumption as well as its output voltage.
We then use these measured values to calculate the input power and output power. The effieciency measured in the graph below is defined as the output power divided by the input power.
[29-JAN-24] We notice that with a 0.01 Ohm sense resistor the output voltage varies greatly based on input voltage. We increase the sense resistor to 0.025 Ohms and notice that the output voltage stabalizes with respect to input voltage.
[07-MAY-24] We change the transformer used and attempt to output different voltages, measuring efficiency while increasing the output power.
[17-APR-24] We get a new PCB for the DC-DC converter, A305002B and test. This new PCB allows us to choose between one output voltage and two differential output voltages by loading 0R resistors on some P0805 footprints. This allows us to use one PCB for different converters, versions below:
Version | R6 Value | R7 Value | R8 Value | Output Voltage |
A3050DC-S5 | OC | SC | SC | +5V |
A3050DC-D5 | SC | OC | OC | ±5V |
A3050DC-S12 | OC | SC | SC | +12V |
A3050DC-D12 | SC | OC | OC | ±12V |
[17-APR-24] We assemble a converter in the ±12V configuration and plot its output voltage vs its output current for various values of R_sense. Results below:
[18-APR-24] We measure the voltage at the drain of the MOSFET and the output of the transformer using an oscilloscope at various time divisions. Plots below.
[06-JUN-24] We image the A3050A prototype for record keeping. This version does not include the attenuating switches before the output but still works otherwise.
[24-JUN-24] We construct a +5V PoE DC to DC converter and measure its output current and voltage with different values of R_Sense. Results Below.
The 7491199112 PoE Wurth Electronik transformer that we use claims to have a 1.3A saturation current which is consistent with the end behavior of the lower valued R_Sense plots.
[03-NOV-24] Work on firmware V2. Remove 32.768 kHz clock input. Rout control registers direct to output pins. Standardize names. Simplify sample clock generators. Re-arrange register memory map so registers for each channel are grouped together and separated from the registers of the next channel. Separate attenuation control for CH1 from CH2. Compile, test, all working, firmare V2.3 tagged. We note that the attenuators added to the circuit in the final S3050D version include a 2-kΩ series resistor that creates a 200-ns time constant with the 100-pF input capacitance of four analog switches, even when the switches are open.
[04-NOV-24] Load 270-Ω for R86 and R91, these are the series resistors of the two attenuators. Our 10-Vpp, 50-Ω terminated square wave now has 90% rise and fall times 200 ns. This time constant arises at the output of the eight-bit resistor DAC, where the 250-Ω source resistance of the DAC seems to be charging a 1-nF capacitor, although we do not know where that capacitor resides. The input capacitance of the LT1206 is supposed to be 2 pF. Our attenuator with 270-Ω resistor, solves the speed problem, but raises the significance of the 25-Ω typical resistance of the switch channels. We have divider resistors 100 Ω, 27 Ω, 10 Ω, and 3.3 Ω. We automate the selection of the attenuator in LWFG V1.7. We increase R46 and R58 from 2.0 kΩ to 2.2 kΩ to make sure we acheive the full ±10 V output range. We calibrate the five attenuator settings and arrive at the following pairs of attenuition and register codes for Channel One of Y71062, "1.04 0x00 0.320 0x01 0.116 0x03 0.0588 0x07 0.0360 0x0F". Thes values work to within ±1% on Channel Two as well.
[10-FEB-25] Thinking about replacing the RCM6700 with a RPi 3B+, like the ones we use in the A3034C. When we try to use the GPIO lines directly as a parallel interface, we immediately encounter three problems. First, any time we generate a rising edge on a GPIO, we see a 100-ns HI pulse, 500-ns LO, and then the rising edge we want. Second, we cannot write to more than one GPIO at a time. Third, when we toggle a single GPIO as fast as we can, it goes at only 100 Hz.
raspi-gpio set 2 op dl raspi-gpio set 2 op dh
There are two SPI interfaces on the GPIO connector. We enable one on a 3B+ and see it trying to run at 100 MHz. We are trying to figure out how to set the speed from the command line, or the /boot/config.txt file. We come across the pigs utility. This utility is installed on our 3B+.
[11-FEB-25] We consult the RPi 40-Pin GPIO pinout, and the pinouts for RPi listed in the pigs manual, which we reproduce below.
MISO MOSI SCLK CE0 CE1 CE2 Main SPI 9 10 11 8 7 - Aux SPI 19 20 21 18 17 16
Here we have Master In Slave Out (MISO), Master Out Slave In (MOSI), Serial Clock (SCLK), and Chip Enable (CE). We can configure the SPI bus to have MISO default HI, and the CE lines can be positive-true or negative-true. We use the following lines to close any pre-existing Main SPI interface and send a single byte to MISO.
$ sudo pigpiod # Start pigs daemon. $ ps -e | grep pigpiod 7247 ? 00:00:02 pigpiod $ pigs spic 0 # Close handle zero. -25 ERROR: unknown handle $ pigs spio 0 1000000 0 # Open Main SPI at 1MHz. 0 # The handle is 0. $ pigs spiw 0 0xAA # Transmits 1 byte. $ pigs spiw 0 0xAA 0xAA 0xAA 0xAA 0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0x33 0x33 # Transmits 10 bytes. $ pigs spic 0 # Close handle zero. $ pigs spiw 0 0xAA # Write to handle zero. -25 ERROR: unknown handle
We make sure the pigs daemon is running. We close any preexisting connection to the Main SPI, which is SPI number zero. We open a new connection to SPI zero, setting the SPI clock rate to 1 MHz and using default flags. We hook our oscilloscope up to SCLK, MOSI, and CE0.
We increase the clock frequency to 20 MHz and try again. The clock frequency we observe is indeed 20 MHz. The signals show noise, but no significant overshoot. We see that the chip select line goes low 700 ns before the byte transmission.
We transmit ten bytes and the entire transmission takes 6.5 μs, allowing for the delay after CS asserted and another 1 μs after CS unasserted. We transmit 40 bytes in 18 μs. It looks like we can acheive 2 MByte/s with this interface.