[15-JAN-25] In the paragraphs below are links to presentations, videos, and telemetry recordings. By default, the recordings are in our NDF file format. You can view them directly in the Neuroplayer, which is a component in our open-source data acquisition software.
Synchronous Telemetry and Video: Two channel local field potential (LFP) recording with optogenetic stimulation and synchronous video to illustrate data quality, video synchronicity, and optogenetic response. (13 MByte, Alice Hashemi, OSI and Robert Wykes, ION/UCL)
Non-Motor Seizure Video and ECoG: Non-motor seizure, video and ECoG. (From "Semiology, clustering, periodicity and natural history of seizures in an experimental occipital cortical epilepsy model", Chang et al, doi:10.1242/dmm.036194)
Focal Seizure Video and ECoG: Focal seizure evolving to generalized tonic-clonic seizure, video and ECoG. (From "Semiology, clustering, periodicity and natural history of seizures in an experimental occipital cortical epilepsy model", Chang et al, doi:10.1242/dmm.036194)
EDF Export Demonstration: A recording to demonstrate the export of voltage, temperature, and activity to European Data Format (EDF). A three-channel transmitter with temperature sensor sits in a beaker of water with its leads in air. We move the beaker around over an Animal Location Tracker (ALT). We record video with an Animal Cage Camera (ACC). We provide the export files with correct headers, and plots from an EDF viewer.
ECP20 Demonstration: Event classification processor ECP20 applied to twenty-five hours of recordings from mice. (290 MByte, Adrien Zanin and Jean Christophe Poncer, INSERM, Paris, France)
ECP19 Demonstration: Event classification processor ECP19 applied to thirty-seven hours of recordings from mice and rats. (730 MByte, ION/UCL, Edinburgh, Oxford, and CHB recording)
ECP11 Demonstration: Event classification processor ECP11 applied to ten hours of recordings from rats. (370 MBytes, ION/UCL recordings)
ECP3 Demonstration: Load a working library and apply the Batch Classifier. Contains four hours of EEG recorded from two animals by Iris Oren at Edinburgh University with two A3028A-CC transmitters. Channel No1 is a wild mouse. Channel No3 is an Alzheimer's disease transgenic mouse. Includes ECP3 classification processor script, event library, four characteristics files generated by ECP3 processor, and a list of all events discovered in the recordings with the Batch Classifier. In the metadata of the archives are stored the baseline power calibration of each channel. (43 MBytes, Edinburgh University recordings)
Seizure Spreading: Presentation of EEG recorded from a rat following injection of tetanus toxin in the visual cortex, recorded by an A3028A-CC two-channel SCT with one electrode in motor cortex, one in visual cortex, one in cerabellum. (ION/UCL)
Cortical Spreading Depression: Presentation by Rob Wykes of dual-channel 0.0-160 Hz recordings of cortical spreading depressions in mice. (ION/UCL)
Mouse_Tetanustoxin_1: Mouse EEG following injection of tetanus toxin in the visual cortex, recorded by an A3019A with screw electrodes. Shows bursts of high frequency power in the mouse motor cortex and secondary generalised seizure. One electrode is in the visual cortex, the other in the motor cortex. (ION/UCL)
Mouse_Pilocarpine_1: Mouse EEG following injection of pilocarpine into the visual cortex, recorded by an A3019A with screw electrodes. Shows evolution of epileptiform activity following pilocarpine injection into the visual cortex. (ION/UCL)
M1279645346: Two minutes of heartbeat and respiration from a rat, recorded by an A3019D with two bare-wire electrodes in the chest cavity. In a sixteen-second interval we see the respiration rhythm as well as the heartbeat spikes. The spectrum shows a peak at 1 Hz is the fundamental frequency of respiration. The decreasing peaks at 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Hz are its harmonics. The peak at 7 Hz is the fundamental of the heartbeat. In a two-second interval we see the 7-Hz heartbeat clearly, and its harmonics at 14, 21, 28, and 35 Hz. (CHB/Harvard)
M1300920651: One hour of EEG from several rats after injection of tetanus toxin, recorded by an A3019D with screw electrodes. The characteristics file produced by ECP1.tcl from this recording is M1300920651_ECP1.txt. (ION/UCL)
M1300924251: One hour of EEG from several rats after injection of tetanus toxin, recorded by A3019D transmitters with screw electrodes. The characteristics file produced by ECP1.tcl from this recording is M1300924251_ECP1.txt. (ION/UCL)
M1445359478: One hour of EEG from two mice with skull screw electrodes. There are inter-ictal spikes in No5 throughout, and large movement artifacts to confound spike-finding algorithms. (Edinburgh University)
M1436545502: One hour of EEG from one mouse showing movement artifact and short inter-ictal spikes of up to 1 mV. (Edinburgh University)
M1510311323: One hour of EEG and EEG+EMG from one 0.3-80 Hz transmitter with skull screws, and one dual-channel 0.3-80 Hz transmitter with skull screws for EEG and silver wire for EEG+EMG. (MRC Harwell)
M1562142045: One hour of EEG from eight A3028B-AA implanted in mice, 512 SPS, bare-wire electrodes held in place with skull screws and dental cement. (ISERM, Paris)