Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you are using a LWDAQ Driver (black box, A2071E) with Octal Data Receiver (silver box, A3027E). If so, the timeout error means that the Neurorecorder was able to connect to your driver, but has been unable to download data from the your receiver.
Please let me know your version of the LWDAQ Software. You will find the version in the About LWDAQ panel, which you can open in the LWDAQ menu. We have been working on the handling of errors by the Neurorecorder Tool and Receiver Instrument in the past few updates to the code, and I'd like to know which one you are using.
One way you can get this timeout error is by entering the incorrect value for driver_sckt in the Neurorecorder. There are eight sockets on the front face of the driver. Number one is closest to the indicator lamps. We have our receiver connected to one of these sockets with a shielded network cable. We need driver_sckt set to the number of this socket. You must have had driver_sckt set correctly, or else your recording would never have worked. But it is possible that the cable has been unplugged or damaged. Please check the cables.
Another possibility is that your computer has updated itself and decided that the LWDAQ messaging protocol should not be allowed through your local firewall. Is your computer connected to your local wireless network? If so, it may have performed an update and changed its firewall settings. In order to check that you are connected to the LWDAQ Driver, please try contacting it with the Configurator Tool, manual at link below. I assume your driver's IP address is (the default), but you may have changed the address.
Assuming you can contact the driver, open the Neurorecorder and press Receiver to get a Receiver Instrument panel. Enter the IP address for your driver and the driver_sckt of your receiver. Press "Reset and Configure". Is the Receiver Instrument able to identify the version of your data receiver?
If so, press Loop to see if the Receiver Instrument can download data from our receiver. Watch for a minute. Do you get any errors or warning?
If not, stop the Receiver Instrument but leave its window open so you can view live data during recording. Return to the Neurorecorder. Try once more to start a recording. Watch for a minute. Do you get a timeout error? If so, what warnings and errors are visible in the Recorder Instrument?
Another problem that can stop your recording is your hard disk getting full. But I believe, in the latest version of LWDAQ, that the error message for a full hard drive is distinct from the message we get when we cannot download the data from the receiver.
Best Wishes, KevanStatistics: Posted by Kevan Hashemi — Thu Oct 19, 2023 11:36 am