We design and manufacture novel electronic instruments for scientific research. Most of our customers work in neuroscience, high energy physics, and astronomy. All our intellectual property, hardware designs, and software are free and open-source. We provide electrical engineering consulting to private companies and academic laboratories.

Our wireless, implantable sensors provide high-fidelity biopotential monitoring in freely-moving, cohabiting animals. Our implantable, wireless stimulators provide electrical and optical stimulation upon command. Our data acquisition and control software provides both event detection and versatile data export.

Thousands of our opto-electronic alignment devices have been deployed in dozens of particle accelerators and detectors all around the world. Our data acquisition software provides numerous image analysis algorithms to support these devices, as well as tools for managing data acquisition from very large systems.

Subcutaneous Transmitters (SCT): Telemetry devices for implantation in laboratory animals.
Subcutaneous Depth Electrodes (SDE): From left to right, X, W, J, and R electrodes.
Boston CCD Angle Monitor (BCAM): Metrology camera and light source.