Subcutaneous Transmitters (SCT): Telemetry devices for implantation in small animals.Head-Mounting Transmitter (HMT): A biopotential sensor that mounts on the head of a small animal.Boston CCD Angle Monitor (BCAM): Metrology camera and light source for monitoring deformations of large structures. Implantable Stimulator-Transponder (IST): An implantable stimulator for experiments requiring intermittent optical or electrical stimulation.Telemetry Control Box (TCB): A 16-channel telemetry reciever and command transmitter.Subcutaneous Lead (SCL): Implantable, flexible, stretchy, silicone-insulated leads for recording biopotentials.Implantable Inertial Sensor (IIS): An implantable accelerometer and gyroscope for fish and rodents.
Subcutaneous Depth Electrode (SDE): From left to right X, W, J, and R electrodes.Electrode Interface Fixture (EIF): A connector with leads and electrodes that mounts on the head of a small animal.Animal Cage Camera (ACC): A wide-angle camera that provides compressed, synchronous, video.Animal Location Tracker (ALT): A receiver, activity monitor, and location tracker for animals with implanted transmitters.Farday Enclosures (FE): An enclosure designed to block microwaves.Direct Fiber Positioner 4A (DFPS-4A): With cover off, seen from above. Dimensions 90 cm × 34 cm × 20 cm.Implantable Light-Emitting Diode (ILED): Implantable lamps for use with our Implantable Stimulator-Transponders (ISTs).